Cigarettes without smoke smoking in public places

Сигареты без дыма для курения в общественных местах In connection with the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places in many countries and in Japan, including the entrepreneurs have no other choice but to invent a cigarette smoking in public places.

Japanese tobacco company Japan Tobacco, Inc.,

Toilet paper for a resume

Туалетная бумага для резюме Manufacturers of toilet paper continues to surprise us by their unusual development of such a seemingly boring and trivial product. Site 1000idey we have described examples of black toilet paper or paper origami, and even toilet paper-centimeter.

Dancing with a sword or aerobics in Japanese

Танцы с мечом или аэробика по-японски To lose weight, people are willing to spend hours engaged in gyms, sweat on the treadmill to perform exhausting Shape program. Japanese sports club with the original name "Camp Samurai» Samurai Camp offered to clients wishing to lose weight quickly,

Online search services

Enroll in a salon or health club on the phone - it is tedious and thankless task, firstly difficult to reach, and secondly, in the standby mode, have to listen to annoying music, and thirdly, it is always difficult to find a suitable time-variant. A total price (without discount) or services visit doubly worse. Fortunately, New York

The idea of ​​ritual Business: Eco-funerals

Идеи ритуального бизнеса: Экологичные похороны Despite the fact that most of us prefer not to think about death, are those who are rejecting prejudices well earned on this fertile

Museum of dead animals

Музей мертвых животных This unusual museum of dead animals Dead Pals of Sam Sanfillippo is located at the funeral home Cress Funeral Home in the U.S. city of Madison, Wisconsin. Its founder - mortician, 88-year-old Sam Sanfillippo (Sam Sanfillippo), which for

Online resource for creating graphical protocols accident

Онлайн ресурс для создания графических протоколов ДТП Receive compensation from an insurance company in case of accident is not so simple. Insurance companies, police, lawyers and the courts require a lot of information and evidence, as well as a detailed description (preferably logged) of the accident. To somehow make life easier for motorists,

Porno Pizza

Порно-пицца Business of manufacture and sales of pizza in the big cities to start is difficult. In this market, formed a circle of powerful players compete with that is, only having "a purse" several million dollars. Although the example of Canadian company PornoPizza may serve as proof of the reverse

New from the producers: Glowing Toilet Paper

Новинка от производителей: Светящаяся туалетная бумага Manufacturers of toilet paper coming up with new and increasingly sophisticated ideas to improve the toilet paper. I wonder what is so attractive to entrepreneurs, this banal

Billboards of the coins, and chocolate

Билборды из монет и шоколада The easiest way to make sure that your ad will remember - make it as unusual. To attract the attention of advertising is made from sand, snow and bubbles. Now

Success Story: Shop Tea Accessories

История успеха: Интернет-магазин чайных аксессуаров Karen Hattavey created online - shop, which sells over 300 kinds of tea accessories. True connoisseurs, or simply tea lovers will appreciate the true worth of products the store, Karen.

Karen has been in the life of two real passions - sewing and tea ceremony. When she was

Home Museums

Домашние музеи The original business idea entrepreneur from Russia Marina Drozdova arose spontaneously, out of a desire to make a stand dedicated to my father's life, which will impart knowledge about the ancestors of future generations. And now Marina earns a living by helping to draw up "house museums" for their fellow countrymen

Promising Business Idea: HR portal for professionals with an hourly zyanyatostyu

Перспективная бизнес идея: Кадровый портал для специалистов с почасовой зянятостью

According to statistics from the Bureau of Labor of America in the country over 75 million professionals who have hourly jobs. And they all need a more flexible schedule, submenus and more underworking.

It is for these

Device for expectant mothers, informing on the baby's heartbeat on Twitter and phone

Девайс для будущих мам, сообщающий о биении ребенка на Twitter и телефон In recent years, the inhabitants of megacities are increasingly suffering from a lack of communication. Work eats all the time, and the rare moments

Unusual idea in the trendy business: a bra with pockets

Необычная идея в модном бизнесе: бюстгальтер с кармашками Women's handbag has long been an object of male derision and jokes. This is the place where modern ladies put all their necessary little things

Jeans for today's Gadget

Джинсы для современных гаджетоманов With the development of science and technology in our lives have become part various iPods, iPhones and other hi-tech innovations. Numerous

The original product for the purchaser: Imitation underwear

Оригинальный продукт для покупательниц: Имитация нижнего белья How to sell a tiny piece of tissue for big money? This requires only the right to position your product and take the right niche. What, exactly, did the company Cami Secret, which has created its own original product literally "nothing", and successfully sells its many buyers.

Cami Secret - a new accessory

Anatomic Bra

Анатомический бюстгальтер Some interesting ideas in design lingerie, precisely such an element, like a bra already represented on the portal 1000idey, for example, a bra with pockets, smart bra, or an inflatable bra. We offer you

Protective visor for hair removal

Защитный козырек для депиляции On the market there was an unusual feminine protective means - visor Va jj Visor. Spectrum of its application is very wide - it is used during tanning, hair removal wax, laser, mechanical, chemical, spa procedures, tattooing, piercing, while trying on clothes in a sanitary protection, etc.

The idea

Successful business ideas: surprises for customers

Успешные бизнес идеи: сюрпризы для клиентов In today's economic crisis, companies are willing to do anything for their clients. So the hotel chain Hyatt's developed a program in

VIP-shop for the restoration of designer shoes

VIP-мастерская по реставрации дизайнерской обуви Demand for shoemakers have been and always will be. Potential market size shoe repair experts estimate at half a billion dollars a year. The market offers workshops three formats-average, low-cost and high-end. The most abundant

Vending machine sales of gold

Вендинговый автомат по продаже золота The German company TG-Gold-Super-Markt has announced plans to

Unusual business ideas: Social network recruiting

Необычные идеи бизнеса: Социальная рекрутинговая сеть Advanced job seekers are well aware that a resume does not guarantee the result of successful employment. New resource KODA, which aims to provide new social opportunities for applicants

Ideas original gifts: Toilet paper for slimming

Идеи оригинальных подарков: Туалетная бумага для худеющих Toilet paper - a product of a rather boring and banal, and yet the product of mass demand and everyday use has consistently attracted the attention of entrepreneurs who

Chocolate business idea into a crisis: Crisis chocolate

Шоколадная идея бизнеса в кризис: Кризисный шоколад The word crisis is widely used in marketing and advertising agency to promote their products, as well as enterprising businessmen who

Ideas original gifts: Libra, who scream at full owners

Идеи оригинальных подарков: Весы, которые кричат на полных хозяев To fight obesity, there are many gadgets and devices, ranging from simple weights, ending with the original exercise equipment. But the problem of excess weight - it is more a psychological problem. To combat the excess

How to make a business out of hobby

Как из хобби сделать бизнес Lisa Askerz turned his hobby - knitting - in the business, which she led from the house, while sitting with young children. This is another successful example of a mom-entrepreneur.

She created a website

Medical idea: The world's best ads of the medical clinic

Медицинская идея: Лучшая в мире реклама медицинской клиники Medicine and food industry - two sectors that the economic crisis has affected the least understandably - to eat and ill people will always, in spite of good nutrition and healthy

Strange business ideas: Human Warmer

Странные идеи бизнеса: Человеческая грелка How to attract customers' attention to their new product or service - a question that continues to excite marketers as small businesses and large companies, making finding new business ideas and advertising moves

Toothy protection from rape

Зубастая защита от изнасилования A doctor from South Africa, Sonnet Ehlers (Sonnet Ehlers), which for many years dealing with the problem of sexual abuse of South African women who came up with a very unusual but highly effective protection against rape - his version of the Vagina Dentata

Business idea: fresh pizza from the vending machine

Бизнес идея: свежая пицца из вендингового автомата Italian entrepreneur Claudio Torgele, which 56 years has decided to sell pizzas via vending

Ideas in retailing: vending beauties

Идеи в ритейле: Вендинговые автоматы красот UK Company Beautiful Vending Ltd has developed a unique vending machines to sell hairdressing services. They are called

Business idea: bluetooth travel guide

Идея бизнеса: Туристический bluetooth гид Now, in the luggage compartment Airport Joze Pusnik Airport in Ljubljana, Slovenia, passengers can not only luggage, but travel guide to Slovenia

Analeptic improves productivity at work

Аналептик улучшает продуктивность на работе Health and productivity of workers - the key to success of any enterprise.

Analeptic - is an unusual project by French designer

Shoes korotyshek

Туфли для коротышек Akbar Pirani has created a new collection of men's shoes WalkTall Shoes, which give the stronger sex unique opportunity to become a little bit higher. Until now, such a prerogative enjoyed only the ladies who wear shoes with heels, now a chance for both men. In Akbar's had two major reasons to create such a collection:

From the life of the cat

Из жизни кошачьих

In the West, industry products for pets is one of the fastest growing. But since the cat - the most common pets, not surprising that it is riveted to the full attention of developers.

Remember that everything that is popular in the West soon has come to our country, Russian craftsmen,

Universal shoes, changing the height of the heel

Универсальные туфли, меняющие высоту каблука Students from AR Johnson Health Science and Engineering Magnet School developed a unique shoe, which may change the height of the heel at the request of the owner. These versatile shoes that inventors called Step It Up, there is not for sale

Spa for busy moms

Спа-салон для занятых мам Sometimes one little change in the concept of institutions can significantly improve the chances of success. Mom-entrepreneur Van Oen opened its spa for moms, after she had sat for 4 years at home with two young children.

Those who have small children, not by hearsay

Fun Casino

Фан-казино Despite the ban on gambling, the Russians continue to look for an opportunity to play games of chance, and their enterprising fellow citizens do not get tired of looking for ways to provide such services. An enterprising resident of Kiev, Vadim Kislov organized fan-casino trump ace, where tables, chips, dealer in all of this

Original design business idea: A resource testriruyuschy fashion design before starting mass production

Оригинальная дизайнерская идея бизнеса: Ресурс, тестрирующий дизайн одежды до запуска в массовое производство Online retailer ModCloth, which sells women's dresses, skirts, jackets, found an original way to identify

An unusual hotel concept: style, sex, and soup

Необычная концепция отеля: Стиль, секс и суп Recently we wrote about a certain hotel X in the Netherlands, who buys old furniture from local residents for the design of its interior. Then this unknown hotel in Maastricht created a large

Fresh air in the bank

Свежий воздух в банке According to recent studies, more and more city dwellers are suffering from high stress levels. Moreover, solar light, which is considered an effective antidepressant, does not help the modern inhabitants of megacities.

According to studies conducted by National Trust, UK

Packing with a dollop of yoghurt

Упаковка с ложкой для йогурта Sometimes, to attract the attention of buyers to your product, you just change the packaging design that actually made ​​the company Yoplait,

Vending idea: Automata for charging mobile phones

Вендинговая идея: Автоматы для зарядки мобильных телефонов Vending business is one of those rare businesses that high profitability and low upfront investment differ yet low competition. Today the range of

How to make an insult

Как заработать на оскорблениях The idea to organize the business to an insult (or rather to reject unwanted calls) Jeffrey Goldblatt came after several sleepless nights spent in bars.

At some point he got tired of listening to phone calls chasing his ladies, and he organized a company Rejection Hotline, which helps get rid of the pesky

Profitable business idea: Finding temporary family pets

Прибыльная идея бизнеса: Нахождение временных семей домашним питомцам Zoobusiness resistance with value of one of the most lucrative businesses. In America, the annual turnover

The original business idea: Sheets with internal clock

Оригинальная идея бизнеса: Простыни со встроенными часами Original luxurious satin sheets with a built-in clock Melted Clock designed designer Florian Sharfer. Moreover, these clocks are off

An interesting idea in the field of health: Tools for the care of sick children

Интересная идея в сфере здоровья: Сервис по уходу за больными детьми What to do if a child is ill, and parents need to be at work? This is a problem faced daily

Clinic for the treatment of Internet addiction

Клиника для лечения интернет-зависимости In the U.S., has opened the country's first clinic to treat Internet addiction. Rehabilitation Center Heavensfield Retreat Center is located near (coincidence?)

Delivery of imported beers on the house

Доставка импортного пива на дом The idea to organize a business for the delivery of imported premium beers came to Kiev businessman Alexander Fesinets after a year in the Czech Republic.

He thought that the judges drink like him: a long time lived abroad

Chocolate Puzzle

Шоколадные пазлы Approximately 50% of women claim to prefer chocolate to sex. And what is the scientific confirmation. According to British research, chocolate has more benefits than kissing. Chocolate stimulates the synthesis of endorphins - the hormone of happiness ", which gives us a sense of enjoyment and pleasure. And thanks to vitamin F, chocolate