Fun Casino

Фан-казино Despite the ban on gambling, the Russians continue to look for an opportunity to play games of chance, and their enterprising fellow citizens do not get tired of looking for ways to provide such services. An enterprising resident of Kiev, Vadim Kislov organized fan-casino trump ace, where tables, chips, dealer in all of this

Original design business idea: A resource testriruyuschy fashion design before starting mass production

Оригинальная дизайнерская идея бизнеса: Ресурс, тестрирующий дизайн одежды до запуска в массовое производство Online retailer ModCloth, which sells women's dresses, skirts, jackets, found an original way to identify

An unusual hotel concept: style, sex, and soup

Необычная концепция отеля: Стиль, секс и суп Recently we wrote about a certain hotel X in the Netherlands, who buys old furniture from local residents for the design of its interior. Then this unknown hotel in Maastricht created a large