A successful business idea for sports: Fitness for sports cards

Успешная идея бизнеса для спорта: Фитнес карты для занятий спортом A former commando and fitness instructor Phil Black has created a successful business, which last year alone earned him 4 7000000

Edible business cards and resumes

Съедобные визитки и резюме The owner of the confectionery Cakes for Occasions bakery in Denver Kelly Delaney (Kelly Delaney) came up with a very unusual biscuits in the form of business cards. Or vice versa - business cards in the form of cookies.

Interestingly, all the contact details on edible business cards "printed" edible

Unusual ideas in a beautiful business: Lipstick, which changes color depending on the mood of women

Необычные идеи в красивом бизнесе: Помада, меняющая цвет в зависимости от настроения женщины Mood Lipstick (Colour Changing)