Cigarettes without smoke smoking in public places

Сигареты без дыма для курения в общественных местах In connection with the introduction of the ban on smoking in public places in many countries and in Japan, including the entrepreneurs have no other choice but to invent a cigarette smoking in public places.

Japanese tobacco company Japan Tobacco, Inc.,

Toilet paper for a resume

Туалетная бумага для резюме Manufacturers of toilet paper continues to surprise us by their unusual development of such a seemingly boring and trivial product. Site 1000idey we have described examples of black toilet paper or paper origami, and even toilet paper-centimeter.

Dancing with a sword or aerobics in Japanese

Танцы с мечом или аэробика по-японски To lose weight, people are willing to spend hours engaged in gyms, sweat on the treadmill to perform exhausting Shape program. Japanese sports club with the original name "Camp Samurai» Samurai Camp offered to clients wishing to lose weight quickly,