Business idea: how to do business in accessories for dolls

Идея бизнеса: как сделать бизнес на аксессуарах для кукол

Lisa-Marie Kabrelli - another example of a successful mom entrepreneur. This mom created a business in accessories for dolls American Girl.

The idea

Healthy Idea: Salt handkerchiefs

Здоровая идея: Солевые носовые платки Girlfriend Mindy Dolly and Judy Pickens created a successful business, which for the first year of its existence has brought them a million dollars and two years later - four million!

Their products are sold in 40,000 stores, including the major networks: Wal-Mart, Rite Aid, Nordstrom, Walgreens, Toys "R" Us

The idea of ​​service to establish joint projects

Lord, as a rule, I place on this site ideas that someone has, somewhere, once implemented. Described below, the project is in concept stage. I was approached by its author, Ildar, asking their opinion. I decided to do better and with the consent of the author to place a description of the ideas on this