Business idea: make a business on helping microbusiness

Идея бизнеса: сделать бизнес на помощи микробизнесу Come up with an original idea in the business - not all. The hardest thing - to realize it. At this stage there is more than just the difficulties and obstacles - lack of knowledge, skills, and money.


Unusual business idea: Social network for the guarantors of the loan

Необычная идея бизнеса: Социальная сеть для поиска поручителей по кредиту We have already described the idea of ​​microcredit organizations

Successful business idea for school children: an alternative to private school bus

Успешная бизнес идея для школьников: Частная альтернатива школьному автобусу School buses - the prerogative of the local municipal authorities. And their presence in a particular region, as well as routes and condition dependent