Business idea: make a business on helping microbusiness

Идея бизнеса: сделать бизнес на помощи микробизнесу Come up with an original idea in the business - not all. The hardest thing - to realize it. At this stage there is more than just the difficulties and obstacles - lack of knowledge, skills, and money.

Authors Resource The Intersect Fund decided to help budding entrepreneurs to create their own small business. They offer advice, training, assistance in obtaining seed capital, etc. All services company The Intersect Fund offers a very low price because the company's staff by university students.

The idea to create a company that will help micro-entrepreneurs create their business came from two friends, who wrote for the student newspaper The Daily Targum. One day, they wrote an article about New Brunswick - city of contrasts. On the one hand the city's economy is booming, construction of new restaurants, hotels, etc. But on the other hand, many people struggled with a poor, working dishwashers, conductors, waiters, etc.

Friends wondered at how they can help these poor people. Suddenly had an idea, most of these people can be called entrepreneurs - it is baked, cooked, cleaned, cut and etc. You just need to help bring their work to the level of full-fledged business. The problem is that many of these people do not have sufficient knowledge of how to manage the business.

Friends decided to organize eight + week courses to train future entrepreneurs the basics of business: registration, budgeting, management, marketing, taxes, etc.

The second problem starting up in business is lack of capital. Take such entrepreneurs a bank loan is problematic. Therefore it was decided to organize a mutual community at The Intersect Fund, whose members could get a loan.

Candidate to receive the money must first be trained, and then by other members of the community to develop and submit a business plan, and if the plan and loan application will be approved by 3 / 4 community, he is given the desired loan.

So there was a company The Intersect Fund, which helps people in America who want to build your small business to become true entrepreneurs, solving major problems start businesses.