New from the producers: Glowing Toilet Paper

Новинка от производителей: Светящаяся туалетная бумага Manufacturers of toilet paper coming up with new and increasingly sophisticated ideas to improve the toilet paper. I wonder what is so attractive to entrepreneurs, this banal

Billboards of the coins, and chocolate

Билборды из монет и шоколада The easiest way to make sure that your ad will remember - make it as unusual. To attract the attention of advertising is made from sand, snow and bubbles. Now

Success Story: Shop Tea Accessories

История успеха: Интернет-магазин чайных аксессуаров Karen Hattavey created online - shop, which sells over 300 kinds of tea accessories. True connoisseurs, or simply tea lovers will appreciate the true worth of products the store, Karen.

Karen has been in the life of two real passions - sewing and tea ceremony. When she was