Useful idea of ​​service to marketers: Archive the best direct mail letters

Полезная идея сервиса для маркетологов: Архив лучших писем direct mail The best way to create a successful campaign, direct mail, is to learn what other companies to copy the techniques and tricks that they have successfully used. Taking as a basis for this postulate marketing company Who's Mailing What! create an archive of letters, samples of which they sell

Successful sports business idea: mobile application for the control of sporting loads

Успешная спортивная идея бизнеса: Мобильное приложение для контроля спортивных нагрузок Sport has become an integral part of the life of every modern man. And more and more businesses pay close attention to this sphere of life, offering

Universal database of patents

Универсальная база патентов All great inventions start with an idea. True, nobody knows how many such ideas are patented, and take the form of the invention. Not all ideas are unique, but if you have any,