Useful idea of ​​service to marketers: Archive the best direct mail letters

Полезная идея сервиса для маркетологов: Архив лучших писем direct mail The best way to create a successful campaign, direct mail, is to learn what other companies to copy the techniques and tricks that they have successfully used. Taking as a basis for this postulate marketing company Who's Mailing What! create an archive of letters, samples of which they sell entrepreneurs and marketers interested in building a successful direct mail campaign.

Who's Mailing What! Archive - a huge archive of letters to direct mail, on more than 200 categories, including credit cards, insurance, directories, the client business, book clubs, travel agencies and other employees of the company analyzed more than 5000 letters a month. The best samples of selected letters in the archives of Who's Mailing What!

The company conducts its archive from 1994, that allows to analyze not only the letter but also the company's strategy - to notice what changes and additions have been made in the offer (or not been made) and why.

Subscribers Who's Mailing What! Archive have the opportunity to gain access to valuable research on direct mail and samples of effective selling messages. This information allows us to see the best ideas and techniques that are effectively used in direct marketing for several years and those that do not work anymore.

In fact, these kits are available templates (and tested market patterns) to create a successful company in a similar business.

Each package includes: company name, industry category, the proposal itself, the size, sample advertising text on the envelope, etc. The user just need to find in the archives of those letters that interest him, and ordered their samples. More than 5000 letters are available for download in PDF. Others are sent through a delivery service Federal Express.

The subscription price depends on order: Simple Packages: $ 30, Complex Packages: $ 1950, Copyright Rental Fee = $ 50. For those subscribers who do not have enough time to conduct their own search service Who's Mailing What! Offers a personalized search service for an additional fee: Basic Archive Search costs $ 50, Customized Archive Search - $ 100/chas.

In our view this is a brilliant business idea that can and should be repeated on Russian soil. Boom infopredprinimatelstva, covered with a couple of years ago ðóíåò, has created quite a large market of potential customers such letters examples, but the worthy proposals (with the same wide range of choice of subjects and directions) is still there.

Site is considered a business idea:

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