The original business idea: recycling old sex toys

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The idea of ​​business social networking: Social network for divorced

Идея бизнеса социальной сети: Социальная сеть для разведенных 's - a social network for those who are trying to go through all the hardships of divorce proceedings.

According to statistics, 50% of marriages end in divorce, and divorce is in itself a very difficult and costly process not only financially,

Books for rent

Книги в аренду Book Readers familiar with the syndrome of Book of debris, when piles of books they read are stored and are gathering dust somewhere at home. To reduce the number of buyers

Anti-crisis cafe

Антикризисное кафе Theme of the crisis is now undoubtedly the most popular in business and in advertising. And enterprising businessmen do not miss your chance. So in the Ukraine, Lviv opened a cafe on the anti-crisis theme. It's called "Anticrisis Kneipp.

The logo institutions have letters P and C, which

Portal for independent retailers

Портал для независимых ритейлеров Small retailers are forced to constantly be in search of new innovative products to sell, to somehow compete with major networks. The aim of the new search portal

Conceptual hotels are available to each

Концептуальная гостиница доступная каждому It is no secret that real estate in Europe is worth a lot. Especially in the city center. Especially in the capitals. And the more attractive city for tourists, the higher cost of living in hotels. And given that travelers return to the room only to sleep, much of the money just thrown to the wind

Aura Photography

Фотография ауры Belief in God (Higher Power, Spirit, Universe ...) is as necessary for our soul as food and air to the body. When a man loses everything he has left the faith. When we dedicate to God in our difficulties, we can handle them without trouble. With faith, we go through life without fear, with joy and confidence. Vera