VIP-shop for the restoration of designer shoes

VIP-мастерская по реставрации дизайнерской обуви Demand for shoemakers have been and always will be. Potential market size shoe repair experts estimate at half a billion dollars a year. The market offers workshops three formats-average, low-cost and high-end. The most abundant - A cheap format, the other extreme - the elite shops, the payback period which stretched over several years.

VIP-shop for the restoration of shoes Ukrainian businessman Igor Senin does not fit into either of these formats. It serves the country's richest men. Key clients - representatives of business circles and politicians and only 10-15% of customers, representatives of show business and athletes.

Why do these successful and wealthy people use the services of the local shop? The reason is simple-all a matter of price. The cost of repairs, Igor Senin at 300-600 USD cheaper than the European fashion houses, repair is much faster (up to a month), and paradoxically it sounds better.

The idea to open a VIP-shop for the restoration of designer shoes came to shoe designer Igor Senin the numerous requests of clients. He is so tired of listening to their daily complaints about the shoes from Louis Vuitton and Gucci, visited the Ukrainian shops that finally realized: the only way to stop it, to offer clients quality service.

At that time, the businessman was already a successful business in sewing handmade shoes. The second business-VIP-shop for the restoration of designer shoes and accessories, he opened in 2008, not particularly caring about its profitability, but refers to him as to the possibility of creative fulfillment.

Start a new project did not require specific investments, the basic material resources provided well-established production. Once a year VIP-shop came to self-sufficiency, an entrepreneur pondered the prospects of development of a new direction seriously.

Today, VIP-shop for the restoration of designer shoes Igor Senin hardly keep up with a flurry of order. Customers have to wait weeks for their turn. But they do not mind. After the workshop Senin not only restore the shoes, but also to fit the anatomical features of the foot customer.

In addition, there are taken and for the repair of accessories. And the things they recover enough quality that even with careful consideration of interference Ukrainian masters remain inconspicuous.

To achieve such a result, the entrepreneur uses to repair the same technology as in the manufacture of expensive shoes. For example, in one operation involved ushivke tops 7.6 masters and fashion as well. And in the restoration shop handbags employees often turn to the services of a jeweler.

This approach gives Ukrainian businessman undeniable advantages. He was confident that the workshops such a level in his country is not, and believes its competitors except that three or four world-famous shoe fashion houses.

Igor Senin now thinking about expanding their businesses, trains new artists, developing new technologies, preparing the material basis of increased workload, launches a new website with 3D-demonstration work and the opportunity to communicate with customers via the Internet. And maybe, plans to open a branch abroad.

He was confident that he could give odds to the European workshops, working on a stream with blanks and semi-manufactures. In contrast, Igor Selin relies on individuality.