Porno Pizza

Порно-пицца Business of manufacture and sales of pizza in the big cities to start is difficult. In this market, formed a circle of powerful players compete with that is, only having "a purse" several million dollars. Although the example of Canadian company PornoPizza may serve as proof of the reverse .

This establishment was opened just a week ago in Winnipeg, but he is spoken of not only locals but also all the tabloid world. Its products are in excessive demand, but not only because of the unforgettable taste of Italian bread, probably because of the unforgettable memories of a delightful picture that is delivered along with this pizza.

The thing is that, along with a pizza delivered to the client pictures with pornographic content, which are "hidden" at the bottom of the box. The calculation is simple - for as you eat a piece by piece, your gaze suddenly opened the whole picture. Surprise at the bottom of the box was originally designed as a marketing gimmick to attract more customers a new product. "Pictures range from the erotic images from the pages of glossy magazines such as« Playboy », to the frankly pornographic pictures that would make Larry Flynt blush itself" - says the new owner of a pizzeria Vayldmen Corey (Corey Wildeman).

And, this trick with pornographic images is quite legal, pizza deliveryman verifies age of the client according to the documents directly at the door.

The idea of opening a pizza porn-Canadian entrepreneurs came during a discussion with friends, classic porn fantasies, when the peddler comes to pizza to a bored lady not to treat her pizza.

In general, the success of his company Cory Vayldmen explains simply: "You will never be defeated, if the business idea will be drawn to the hidden human desires, we all know that sex sells."