Clinic for the treatment of Internet addiction

Клиника для лечения интернет-зависимости In the U.S., has opened the country's first clinic to treat Internet addiction. Rehabilitation Center Heavensfield Retreat Center is located near (coincidence?) from the headquarters of Microsoft, in Redmond, Washington.

Clinic patients are encouraged to be a 45-day special course entitled reStart to suppress the craving for online games, social networks and even for getting rid of excessive passion for SMS.

Course fee is 14,500 dollars. According to the calculations of some users, this amount is more than enough to pay for a thousand months subscription to World of Warcraft.

Rehabilitation course at the clinic for the treatment of Internet addiction involves spending time outdoors, outdoor games, sports, yoga, pet care, which are contained in its own farm in the clinic, performing the simplest of household affairs - washing, cleaning, cooking, shopping, Of course, taking drugs and working with a psychologist. In addition, the instructors work with patients to teach them various skills in the field of landscape design, repair and construction.

For the first time doctors paid attention to such diseases as addicted to the Internet in 1994. Then a psychiatrist Kimberly Young has posted on its website a special questionnaire and received about 500 responses, the authors of 400 of which were found to Internet-dependent. Kimberly Young lead four attributes depending on the Internet: compulsive need to check email, the constant desire to connect to the Internet, complaints similar to what a person spends too much time on the computer and the rising costs of the Internet.

In 2008, China has officially recognized the Internet addiction a disease. In this country there are about 200 clinics to treat Internet addiction, and treatment in such institutions are very cruel.

According to reports, doctors, people who can not live without the Internet, so does the psyche and physiology. At a constant finding online in the brain produces a lot of serotonin, and the person feels euphoric, he does not want to drink or eat or rest. Coming from the internet, the patient is experiencing anxiety, depression, behavioral disorders begin.

According to the users, the Internet, they do not waste time, and communicate. In communication and familiarity with the same interests on social networks is not bad, but at the heart of Internet addiction is almost always lies loneliness, lack of other options pastime. The purpose of such rehabilitation centers "return" of a person in real life and to prove that live communication is much more attractive than the virtual.

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