Talking fairy doll

Говорящие сказочные куклы What is the most exciting and memorable experience for each person from a distant childhood? Of course toys. Toys for children - is a separate and unique world. They help the child to develop his intellectual and creative abilities in learning. Modern manufacturers toys offer a huge variety of different toys, from the banal soft toys that never go out of fashion and dolls, which can produce all sorts of manipulations to talking books and electronic games.

But the designer Suzanne Buck (Zuzanna Bukala) invented interactive dolls Baika Dolls, which are fantastic characters, who can talk.

Baika Dolls - this is the result of five years of the designer. All voih fairy dolls Suzanne makes by hand from a tree. Its wooden dolls based on characters invented by the Brothers Grimm fairy tales, but with them you can play and in other tales.

A series of interactive dolls Baika Dolls - a combination of the best that is in children's games - they are magic, they are smart, they are puppets and they do not require the team to play.

At first glance, wooden dolls are no different from the usual fairy figurines for the game into a fairy tale. But their main feature is that these fabulous puppets "talk" when they were beginning to play. Toys Baika Dolls sold with a special board, on which the main action takes place - a fairy tale.

Coming into contact with this board, the fabulous dolls and begin to "come alive", depending on the scenario tales and programs sound, which selects the player.

Interactive dolls Baika Dolls can play alone, they do not require the presence of other participants for an interesting game, they should not be voiced, they talk to themselves.

The biggest advantage of these dolls is that they allow you to play a fairy tale, you are so fond of children and in which at one time is not played enough, many adults, in contrast to the modern Winx, Barbie, Bratz, etc., simulating only one scenario - modern adult life, devoid of magic and wonder.