Profitable business: advertising in notebooks

Прибыльный бизнес: реклама в записных книжках Eco-Notes - version of the notebook or notepad with advertisements at the bottom of each page. These pads are distributed free to students and pupils in schools, libraries, etc., in which case their print advertisers and pays benefits both parties and advertisers who get an opportunity to place their ads and to achieve a certain target audience and the students who get free notebooks. The idea of creating free products through advertising is widespread in Japan. Rodrigo Namikava brought this idea to the United States, having built her own business.

The cost of advertising in this notebook is 4 cents per share. This is quite reasonable price, given the color of your ad. Unlike newspapers, where advertising costs are much higher, and the business more difficult and costly, Eco-Notes do not need editors, and return on ad above.

Coefficient of low readership of newspapers, he is only 75-85%, which means that not all newspapers are at their readers, part of the circulation returned and ejected, and then, not everyone reads all the sections of the newspaper.

Now observed a very clear trend care advertisers from television and the press in the direction of online and mobile content. Such advertising is much cheaper more efficient. Now, people are less reliant on newspapers.

Such new promotional ideas still quite interesting and quite effective. By the way in Japan, many such goods, existing at the expense of advertising: business cards, pens, napkins, photocopies.

Business Rodrigo Namikava year and in his immediate plans to expand distribution of its products. A would-be entrepreneurs Rodrigo advised to carefully examine the market for demand. In America, for example, increased demand for liquor, chocolate, bankruptcy, divorce, door locks, contraceptives, etc. And from my personal observation, he believes people are always concerned about the cost of goods, and therefore sell better than something cheap, but large or in large quantities for little money.