Interesting ideas of technological innovations: Technology Augmented Reality in trade

Интересные идеи технических новинок: Технологии дополненной реальности в торговле The terminal, which uses technology AR

The term controlled reality is already firmly entrenched in our lives. On this subject, removed not only movies and write books, but manageable reality began to actively use the business to attract more buyers.

Technology AR (Augmented reality, which means "augmented reality"), which allow computer overlay information on the real world in real time, have been actively used by Japanese manufacturers.

One company that uses augmented reality technology to attract buyers, a company Toppan Printing Co Ltd. Just a few months ago she began to test the new terminal, which looks like a vending machine in three Japanese supermarket Ito-Yokado.

The technology of this new terminal, acting within the framework of augmented reality is this: buyers have the QR-code on the website of the company Toppan Printing Co Ltd., Which are printed or recorded on your mobile phone.

Now it suffices to show that code in front of a terminal to make automatic probe gave the product.

Simultaneously on the terminal screen appears description of the product and its real appearance. According to eyewitnesses, an exciting spectacle!

Virtual mirror

Virtual mirror, which also uses the technology of augmented reality - a product development company Sony Music Communications Inc (SMC) and Sky & Road Co Ltd. It is a virtual mirror is an interactive screen that allows a buyer to try out new and exciting shopping experience.

The bottom line is this: when the buyer is faced with a virtual mirror, it imposes a virtual image on a real person, using identification technology looks.

Virtual mirror also has the function of determining the size of the buyer and offered him clothes that fit him in all respects, given the particular figure.

In the arsenal of magic mirror six types of clothing which the buyer can try: underwear, skirts, shirts, dresses, sweaters and coats. By the way, the virtual mirror, not only can show the ideal image of the buyer in the clothing that is best for him is sitting, but also suggest where you can buy such clothes, as well as inform about the existence of sizes.

Soon, the company Sony Music Communications Inc promises to improve the virtual mirror by adding more clothes that you can try, as well as the capability of displaying the rear view and side view.