Toy Ideas: Sets for inspiration

Игрушечные идеи: Наборы для вдохновения Inspiration is necessary not only to the people of creative professions, it requires everyone who works, comes up with ideas, improve their business and just do a good job or looking for my purpose in this life. Inspiration can serve as objects, and prominent personalities who have changed society, created a brilliant invention, broke stereotypes and left their mark on istorii.Kompaniya Fat Brain Toys today announced a new "inspirational" collections of toys for writers and inventors.

Collection of scientific - Oddfellows - Scientists Collection, consists of vinyl figures, not larger than 3 inches of scientific geniuses, capable of one of its kind to inspire any person of great accomplishments, or at least non-standard ideas and determination to act.

The collection of five figures: Marie Curie, Albert Eyntshteyn, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Nicola Tesla. Each figurine is equipped with the biography of a scientist and a list of his works and discoveries.

Collection Writers Writer's Collection is the most famous and talented writers: William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Virginia Woolf, Mark Twain, James Joyce. They may say, toys are not only able to decorate the workplace novice writer, but also to ignite the creative fire in his soul.

The product is simple - the usual vinyl mini-figures, but what an idea! Inspiring kits for inventors, writers, etc. Brilliant!

Игрушечные идеи: Наборы для вдохновения

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