An unusual idea for the project: advice from grandmothers

Необычная идея проекта: советы от бабушек In my opinion, we simply underestimate the older generation, their experience, knowledge and wisdom. We use so little opportunity to learn from our grandparents, that, in fact, it is not even rationally and logically. The Internet resources are devoted to single elderly people and are designed for this target audience. Therefore, when there are such resources, they just want to applaud. Company Oxfam has created a virtual team grandmothers Green Grannies, which give the English public a valuable and helpful tips from the height of his experience and wisdom of life. A list of tips and advice very diverse, they relate to all spheres of life, from how to darn socks and cook a delicious meal from the remains and to how you can save money and reduce energy costs and harmful effects on the environment.

To popularize the tips from the grandmothers company opened a channel on YouTube for the general broadcasts tips. Soon the site will be Oxfam section, which is called "Ask Grandma", where everyone can ask your question.

Every grandmother has its own secrets and recipes, they are happy to share with young people. Particularly valuable tips on how to save them now in an economic crisis, when people try to survive save on everything. Well this is for the retirees is an enormous opportunity to feel their necessity and usefulness to society.

Entrepreneurs who turned their eyes to this huge and underserved audience of older people. Maybe you have any other ideas for the business.

Project website:

Interesting materials online:

  • Energy crisis
  • Donald Thompson, "How to sell for $ 12 million stuffed shark

Good Business Idea?