T-shirts for the virtual games

Футболки для виртуальных игр Company T-Post one of the first started selling shirts online by subscription, by comparing their products with the monthly magazine. In other words, subscribers companies for a fee, receive a regular basis every month a new t-shirt. In turn, the company is trying to make their t-shirts were fashionable, are consistent with recent developments and trends, and certainly were not common.

And the last sentence of T-Post - T-shirt for your virtual games - broke all records unusual.

Author T-shirt design for the virtual game called the same name as the game-Rock-Paper-Scissors (rock-paper-scissors), 23-year-old Mark Stromberg. Accordingly, these shirts are shown images of famous children's game: rock, paper, scissors.

Chips of these shirts for the younger generation of advanced consumer that wearing a shirt you can play an entertaining game with the computer - the user only has to be in this shirt in front of web cameras and can play "rock-scissors-paper" with a virtual arm of the computer monitor .

Video demonstrates this virtual game.

The younger generation of advanced consumer, whose interests tend to be reduced to computer games and newfangled devaysom is a large audience that can not be discounted. This is a huge market, whose needs dictate fashion and trends. Many entrepreneurs, mostly garment manufacturers have already turned their attention to this group of buyers by offering them products that combine fashion and high technology. Perhaps entrepreneurs from other business areas, too, should consider how to adapt their products to the needs of young power users, so as not to miss the "plum cake".

Футболки для виртуальных игр

Site is considered a business idea: www.t-post.se

Video: www.youtube.com

Good Business Idea?