Success Stories Mom Entrepreneurs: Souvenirs kids from virtual characters

Истории успеха мам-предпринимателей: Сувениры малышам от виртуальных героев Mom - the entrepreneurs in America form a class is already full interprinerov who can help with unique business ideas to solve any problem and build at this successful business.

Two enterprising moms in San Francisco organized a subscription service for children aged 5 to 10 years who want to learn more about other countries. The basis of the original concept of a subscription service Little Passports is a unique business idea of ​​involving children in a virtual game trip, during which children (Subscribers) receive letters, souvenirs, photographs of imaginary small heroes Sofia and Sam who travel to different countries around the world.

Each month, Sofia and Sam go on a journey on his scooter magic to tell other children about the features of another country, its culture, geography and language. Each month, Sofia and Sam are sent curious children a letter detailing all their adventures of a new journey, as well as unique souvenirs, photographs, stamps, a marker for the cards, crossword puzzles, riddles and secret code to access online Boarding Zone, where you can play different Adventure igry.Samoe first letter, which receive children who are subscribed to the service Little Passports, is a collection of the young traveler, which consists of a letter from Sophia and Sam, the world map, fun stickers, passport, traveler, and an access code to online gaming website. The cost of a monthly subscription of 10.95 dollars.

As the mothers of small children, the sponsors have built our business on two popular children's hobbies - online games and the letters are so fond of getting children. And adding the element of training, the sponsors Little Passports were the original concept of developing entertainment and children's businesses, products and services which is so like the little customers.