
SPA-роддом Of course, having a baby - it's fun, but is often overshadowed by the joy of this for young mothers fatigue and severe and painful gritty of stay in hospital. With this in mind, associated with childbirth, the new company Go Home Gorgeous offers services to mothers of relaxation and recovery in hospital, making staying there a real spa. Go Home Gorgeous offer a huge variety of spa treatments that aim to improve the status of new mothers during their stay in the hospital so that they could be discharged from hospital in good spirits and forces.

The list of services include procedures such as massage of the head and shoulders - $ 60, classic massage - $ 85, postpartum recovery complex - $ 139.

Aromatherapy, relaxing music, gentle massage, towels with the scent of eucalyptus promotes deep breathing, improve circulation, can transform any hospital room at the Spa Resort.

After discharge, the young mother's home, Go Home Gorgeous postbolnichnoe offers support services to child babysitting and a night nurse. A night nurse comes complete with its own - a bed, pillow, blanket, night lamp, and water.

Room service night nurse is 20 to 35 dollars per hour. In addition to babysitting services can also be a massage or delivery service purchases.

It is noteworthy that 3% of its revenues Go Home Gorgeous donates to charities that help women in need of assistance. The immediate development plans to expand the geography of its services, including such cities as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles.

Interesting materials online:

  • Advertising during the crisis. Massive drop
  • Where to invest - in real estate or stocks?

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