Services to help solve the problem of queues

Сервис, помогающий решить проблему очередей The problem of queue continues to excite not only ordinary inhabitants who are forced to deal with it every day, wasting precious time in queues at clinics, administrative institutions, but also the enterprising businessmen who are looking for new ways how to make money. In his collection of ideas we have described some interesting ideas on the organization of business lines, such as concierge service, offering service in queues, an online service that allows real-time tracking of all in the clinic, etc.

No less interesting is the idea of ​​a Canadian company TechnowaiT, which offers something similar. TechnowaiT - is a service notifying the customer on the phone on the approximation of the queue. The main feature service, which offers a service TechnowaiT their clients that they can leave the room clinic at any time and do their business until they do not fit all, and this is precisely informs service automatically notified by telephone TechnowaiT.

Technology is as follows: patients registered at the hospital and receive a numbered tag, and then they can be sent about their business while coping regularly by telephone as moving them all, what number card went to the doctor and how much time remains before their visit.

Thus, due to service an automatic warning of the queue, they return to the clinic just in time, just when their turn comes.

In addition, visitors to hospitals and clients TechnowaiT have the opportunity to receive special notice on the phone, when before their visit is half an hour. Now service indicating that the approximation of the queue, TechnowaiT only tested and is free for visitors to clinics, hospitals, emergency room, etc. But the company plans to make a paid service, its cost will be CAD 3.