Reusable cards

Многоразовые открытки You can talk a lot about what ecology of our planet on the brink of disaster, we can propose projects to save the earth, and you can open ekobiznes, for example, processing plant waste, recycling, production of environmental goods, which make a substantial contribution to solving global environmental problems. An example of such an enterprise ekobiznesa can serve as a company producing reusable cards Regreet from Minnesota.

Feature cards, which makes this company is that they are suitable for repeated use. Reusable cards Regreet sold together with a set of labels to sign a sheet of paper for writing and an envelope for the next recipient.

The first recipient receives a signed postcard with the application set for the next recipient. To send a postcard used again to someone new, you simply glue the label to sign a previous signature, and write a new message. For this serves the same purpose and a sheet for the record, which is also included.

It is worth a set of four greeting cards with a set for the next recipient USD 11.99.

Cards for reusable Regreet make a substantial contribution to solving environmental problems, allowing to significantly reduce costs of ink and paper that are used for the printing of new cards.

Slightly differently approached the same problem the company from Australia Merry-go-round. She did in her cards for special reusable framework in which every time you can insert a new message.

Each new collection of reusable cards Merry-go-round is printed in limited edition, which adds to its value and allows recipients of these cards to use its maximum number of times.

By the way, the story of a postcard can be seen on the back, where you can see how many hands postcard visited. Stand-Cards Merry-go-round reusable AUD 23.95 per set of six pieces.