Kosher baseball

Кошерная бейсболка Any normal person would be able to distinguish believer Jew at a special round cap that is worn on the head of all Jews. This distinctive Jewish cap - Bale (or yarmolka) and will be the topic of our today's article.

Translated from the Hebrew means bale - top, upper. Its name indicates that the pile of covers from the top man, they find themselves, thus, the highest point in the microcosm. First ever to cover their heads were only priests of the temple in Jerusalem. But over time, Jews began to cover his head, not only during prayer, but almost always, thus demonstrating, their zeal in serving God. Gradually, the custom established in all Jewish communities and was the force of law.

59-year-old inventor and a Jew by birth Seth Mosler (Seth Mosler) came up with an original way how to turn a pile of old version of hats for pious Jews. He adapted to her visor, which protects from the sun, getting a new original product, which is called "yamulkap," or kosher baseball.

The idea to create a special year-old pile, which protects from the sun, there was a Mosler during a summer stroll through Central Park. There he watched children playing with a ball, whose heads were covered yarmolkami absolutely does not protect them from the rays of the scorching summer sun. Children are left to languish in the heat, the sun was shining in his eyes, and their tanned faces were red like ripe tomatoes. At that moment, an Orthodox Jew Seth Mosler thought that there must be an alternative bales to protect against the sun.

Development of this version of the Jewish year cap Mosler decided to go himself. He created a prototype of the first kosher baseball from his old baseball cap, with him, and he appealed to the producers.

Their summer bales to protect against the sun Seth Mosler sell until after the official site, which was made for him by his daughter Rachel and her boyfriend Nick.

According to Mosler, two months of trade he managed to sell about 20 pieces of kosher caps, which cost $ 12.99.

Reviews of potential buyers of unusual products are mixed: some consider it a stupid idea, referring to the rabbi of France, which therefore allow orthodox Jews to wear a baseball cap instead of the pile, while others find the idea of a brilliant, especially when it comes to children's hats.

In bales with a visor, proposed by Seth Mosler, you can play any active play without fear of a sunstroke and then, it is much easier, because both the traditional pile usually comes off while driving. Mosler himself believes in the success of its original product, and looks forward to working with large rteylerami.