Environmentally tasty idea: Honey with a personal history

Экологически вкусная идея: Мед с личной историей A new startup is Your Pure Honey from New Zealand, offers consumers the opportunity to become part owner of the enterprise and try to clean Manuka honey, which it produces.

The basic share is USD 285 in the season and the money the buyer gets 2 pounds of raw honey (including shipping). Premium share is USD 2,500, for which owed 20 kilograms of this amazing product.

The owners of this enterprise, farmers Darcy and Melanie Bichri, writer, producer and Internet Consultant Luke Foster, who teamed up in August this year with one goal - to guarantee its customers a quality clean and healthy product, which has its own history.

In principle, this venture represents a farm that is running on pre-orders, opening its regular clients, co-owners all the secrets.

Customers receive a personal link to the website that hosts photos and videos of bees, which they bought and all the processes of production of honey for them. At the end of the season because of the photo and video materials creates a personal movie and album, which is offered to the customer.

This scheme of private enterprise is not new, we have described similar ideas on our site. And it has proven its effectiveness. Feature of the approach that a company creates a unique story for the client, which he can share with friends, and actually very unique and useful product exclusively for this client.

Honey is collected in clean forests and is clean and 100% natural product.

Another advantage of this company is the creation of income from contributions buyers of new plantations of trees, manuka.

Project website: www.yourpurehoney.com

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