Platform for the sale of books self-publishing

Площадка для продажи книг самиздата Despite the fact that the goods are mass differ Market optimal combination of price and quality, yet they lack any hint of originality. That is why it is so popular, such as Etsy site to sell unique products and handmade Foodzie - for not factory products. Their collection was replenished with one more Resource IndieReader-selling books for self-publishing. This is a place for those who are looking for and buying books that were written and published by the author.

IndieReader concept differs somewhat from the above popular shopping sites on the share, the author has the opportunity not just to place the book, but its a good idea to promote.

First of all, the author receives an objective review from editors, publishers, literary agents and fans of books, which cooperate with the company. Site Services is not free for the authors - the annual fee is USD 149 for one book. If the book is not accepted by the public, the money returned to the author minus the small cost for placing books in the amount of USD 25. If the book is accepted by most critics, it put up for sale through the store IndieReader. In the case of buying books, the company pays authors 75% royalties.

The idea to organize such a resource for the promotion of self-publishing books came from the authors of the project with one single purpose - to support the talented and extraordinary authors who have become hard to break into a fully commercial literary world.

Wake up a celebrity in our age of mass production market immediately after the publication is almost impossible. Need to play by market rules: intense public relations, writing on topics known to be winning, running. If young and still unrecognized by the writer does not implement a pre-planned commercial project, then the opportunity to be seen and heard by the general public has nothing to hope for.

And especially not talking about self-expression, and alternative view of the world. The draft for such a gifted and yet unrecognized geniuses IndieReader - it's their unique chance to "come in peace" without the permission and approval of the Institute of editors, as well as monetize their creativity, with the support of like-minded people.