Shop for relieving stress

Магазин для снятия стресса In the Chinese city of Shenyang opened a shop to relieve stress. Now a resident of the city, experiencing severe stress can go a minute in the new shop to let off steam and smash or break a couple of gizmos to "counter".

Shop for relieving stress is located in one of the shopping center of Shenyang. To get there, shopper need to get a special coupon that is issued only to those customers who made ​​purchases at the mall for a certain amount.

Each visitor to the shop to relieve stress for security provided by motorcycle helmets and gloves. Within one minute they are allowed to strike and destroy any product in the store, thus removing the accumulated aggression, anger and stress.

Interestingly, the shop to relieve stress is organized on the principle of flats - there are several rooms that resemble furnished rooms - kitchen, bedroom, living room. According to store manager, a woman in such an environment feel like home and it is easier to relax.

Furniture and appliances in the store b / ear, the owners bought it for 30-100 yen from individuals. Therefore, visitors are allowed to destroy the shop all they want.

According to observations of the store employees, the main visitors who come to relieve stress in their institution are the students and managers in leadership positions. This is most likely due to the unfavorable situation on the labor market during the economic crisis, people fear losing their jobs, or long can not find work.

The idea of ​​organizing such a shop to relieve stress is very interesting - to release their anger out in a safe place, damaging some of the material and cheap goods far better than do it at home, causing damage to the living and loved ones.