Ideas original gifts: Pillows Valentine's Day

Идеи оригинальных подарков: Подушки на День Св. Валентина Business on gifts, perhaps, is one of the most attractive types of small businesses. Profitability of the gift shop - 20-25%, the initial investment is not large, the technology business - not complicated. A recipe for success gift business - it is a wide range of products, which attract a large number of buyers and copyrights unique work that will help to achieve high profitability. And at stake is precisely the originality of the range.

Site in 1000 the ideas we have repeatedly described the idea of ​​gifts that can brighten even the most creative gift shop. We represent your attention a couple of original ideas unusual gifts Valentine's Day. Boyfriend Body Pillow - pillow for single women or for those whose husband is away on a long trip, which will help to brighten the long and lonely nights of its owner. Pillow, really unusual, is made in the form of one-armed male torso, which mimics the embrace of the beloved. Worth a cushion of only $ 34.95

And the second is an original gift idea for men - Moshi Girlfriend Pillow. This is such a cushion just in the form of the female torso, the traditional girl's pink, which also mimics the embrace. This unusual gift is suitable for all the guys who can not sleep without the familiar embrace of the woman. Cost unusual pillow for men is much lower, only 9.95 dollars.

Идеи оригинальных подарков: Подушки на День Св. Валентина

Source of information considered a business idea:

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