Strange Hotel

Странный отель Hotel Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin has a very unusual name, which translates as "island with a propeller, a city house." The hotel itself is also very unusual. It bears no resemblance to traditional hotels with impersonal standard rooms. All rooms in this strange hotel unlike one another and represent a flight lush fantasy artist.

In one room bed in the form of coffins, in the second, they generally fly in the third all turned on its head in the fourth you can see the strange mechanisms, similar to medieval torture machines, the fifth is like a prison cell, the sixth - a church temple.

The author of this unusual design of the German artist Lars Stroshen (Lars Stroschen). He - the owner of a strange hotel. Lars graduated from art school and doing everything related to art - drew pictures, wrote music, worked as a photographer, sound technician.

Somehow, Lars came up with his brand of "Propeller Island", by which released all of their work.

Your hotel Lars named after the novel by Jules Verne's "Floating Island" (originally "L'Ile a helice"), which translates to an island with a propeller. In general, the idea of ​​the hotel came to Lars accident. To make some money, he re-equipped several rooms for guests in someone else's house. Suddenly, things have gone, and Lars bought the house to convert it into a mini-hotel.

On the design of rooms for Lars took five years, he was engaged in design, decor and the creation of all elements of the interior.

So a side business to make money and easy to practice his art became a major. Guests of this hotel come to the indescribable delight of flying beds and instruments of torture. Once in one room, the guests rush to see everything else. Way into the hotel for more than 40, plus a restaurant, lounge and, of course, a gallery of works gifted artist.

Странный отель

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