Store goods without packaging

Магазин товаров без упаковок Trend involvement of entrepreneurs in the economy and "green" business is becoming more popular. In the past few years, the market began to appear mass of companies that aim to not only profit but also care about the environment, protection of its resources and its protection from hazardous wastes and emissions. Site in 1000, we described the various ideas the idea of creating environmentally friendly businesses, including such interesting business ideas, as aptsikling, manufacture new products from waste and restoration of old products. At this time the idea ekobiznesa lies in creating a store that sells the product without packaging. This is a trendy London grocery shop Unpackaged. His motto, selling only environmentally friendly and unpackaged products. The range of this unique store you can find all the organic produce or fresh quality food from local producers of fresh bread and tasty cheese, local produce to nuts, spices, cereals, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil and vinegar, and even confectionery.

All products are stored in large containers and sold to buyers in their personal containers. Each buyer ekomagazina Unpackaged can choose any of the products and buy exactly that amount which he needs.

The concept of this grocery store is based on adherence to fashionable modern environmental trend. Firstly, all the products that are sold in this store are organic or local produce. Secondly, the store does not use the package in principle, thus demonstrating its relevance to the problem of pollution of the environment of hazardous wastes and protection of its resources. Thirdly, cooperation with local manufacturers and the failure of the package allows you to save on shipping and expensive packaging goods and thus reduce the price of products to buyers.

Discover the unique concept of a grocery store Unpackaged reminds us of the well-forgotten old concept of the Soviet selmaga in which all products are sold in large containers or bags in bulk. The truth about environmental issues, then no one spoke, and the problem of consumption of organic products did not exist.

In fact, as we are assured by experts, the future of trade it for such small local shops selling fresh food and eco-friendly.