Magic garden in the forests of Australia

Волшебный сад в лесах Австралии In the vicinity of a small Australian village Marisvill (Marysville) in tropical forests is lovely garden in which they live all the magic and fantastic creatures of the world: elves, trolls, fairies, mermaids, unicorns, dwarves, Sprites, etc. However mythical creatures of this magical garden is not quite true - they are wooden, and created their artist Peat Bruno (Bruno Torfs). The inspiration for the fabulous sculptures was the imagination of the author and his vast experience in the traveler's most remote and mysterious corners of the planet.

Bruno Peat comes from North America, where he lived with his parents until 15 years. Then the family moved to Europe Peat, Bruno took up painting and became a professional artist. Adventurous nature is a passionate traveler would not let him sit still, he traveled constantly, bringing the trips not only thrilling experience, but also new work - sketches, drawings, paintings and sculptures inspired by the unique culture of different peoples. These works successfully sold on auctions and exhibitions. Later, Bruno decided on the basis of their work to create a unique garden, which would become a permanent tourist attraction and attracts visitors from around the world 365 days a year.

Place for such a magical garden has been decided to choose the jungles of Australia. Marisvill village in the Victorian style was the most suitable for an unusual garden. Torfs bought a house there and a large section of the forest, where he smashed a lovely garden with fantastic sculptures. For the construction of the garden by Bruno took more than five months. Magic Garden was opened to visitors with an exhibition of 15 sculptures. Now in this fabulous garden of over a hundred, and Bruno constantly replenish their collection. In the manor of peat and is an art gallery, exhibiting works by Bruno Turf. Magic garden in the jungle Astral annually attracts thousands of postetiteley from around the world. It really is magical, wonderful and mysterious.

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