Creative designer to find business ideas

Творческий конструктор для поиска идей бизнеса We present you with a unique author's development project creative designer "Taro 1,000 ideas." If in a few words to formulate its task, it will sound like this: "Helping you find business ideas."

The idea of ​​creating such a "creative assistant" dered us a long time. The more becoming a collection of unusual business ideas of our project, the clearer it seemed to need a tool to help organize and direct thinking. Or rather - redirect - as the main problem - to go beyond the usual patterns of thinking and look at the situation from a different angle.

Albert Einstein said at the time the legendary phrase: "You never will not solve the problem, if you will think the same way as those who created it."

To change the focus of modern businesses conduct surveys of consumers turn for advice to colleagues and pay for the services of independent consultants.

However, even this trusted method for solving business problems is a significant shortcoming - none better than you knows your business needs, and therefore a great idea for developing your business may have arisen only in your head.

So should I change some stereotypical ways of thinking on the other, no less trite? Will a neighbor or even a graduate, year after year giving essentially standardized advice, tell you a really revolutionary idea?

We assume you know the answer! Only their own ideas, backed up by internal faith and knowledge can lead to a breakthrough in the business. Only the author can turn a merely good idea - the idea of a million.

Fortunately, there are many effective techniques and methods that help to move beyond stereotypes and to change the habitual way of thinking on the problem.

"Taro 1,000 ideas" summarizes the contemporary creative techniques, combining them with classic advice tarot, making the creative process in a simple, efficient and exciting search engine customized solutions.

All you need - to pull one or more cards and look at the problem from a position of having tried to apply this advice solution to your problem.

The set - 78 cards, most of which have traditionally both direct and inverted aspects of values. Add to this the dozens of different layouts and combinations and you get an infinite number of recommendations.

Each card contains:

  • general guidelines that define the vector of thinking,
  • specific advice,
  • lines of business, the peculiarities of which may be helpful in solving your problem.
  • as well as reference to one of the creative techniques, a detailed description of which can be read on the portal
Specifically for this deck, we have developed special techniques, to meet with whom you can on this page.

By the way, technology is also made public - 121 article describing the techniques of creativity and creative lifting clamp is in the section "Techniques of creativity."

Developing creative designer "Taro 1000 ideas, we have sought to create a truly application system, which gives practical, applicable and focused on solving business problems advice.

We are absolutely convinced that the acquisition of "Taro 1,000 ideas" - this is an excellent investment in the business: even a worthwhile idea to repeatedly pay for the cost of the deck. But such ideas can be infinitely many!