Blog helps sell pies

Блог помогает продавать торты Learn from other successful entrepreneurs - the best way to run their own business. Another example of a small companies, whose rapid growth has occurred through a Web site, blog, PR, social networking - Confectionery Pink Sake Box.

Pink Sake Box - a special sweet shop in New Jersey with a staff of 10 people. They opened in 2005 and created their own website and blog in the same period. They were published in People, Modern Bride, and several other publications.

Pink Sake Box is definitely a successful small business. Hip Jez and his wife - engineer and designer - confectioner, who are the owners of the business recognized that the success of their businesses largely dependent on online marketing. "I did not and was not aware of how the Web will be critical to our business," - says Jez Hip.

How important is the site to grow your business?

The site is the key, crucial to building a business and attract customers. Most of our customers come to us through the website. The site also has opened doors for us in the media world, with the help of the site we have placed ads on CNN and other well-known magazines and newspapers.

What spodvigli you to create a blog?

When in 2005 we started our business, we looked at the sites of our competitors, and realized that they create attractive web portals. However, most of them have static websites that do not allow contact with customers, as opposed to blogging. And we realized that in order to check out from our competitors, we must keep a blog to promote our products to increase brand awareness and to inform customers about our new products, conduct forums and discussions, in general, to get feedback.

Another positive aspect of blogging platform Wordpress is its advanced SEO capabilities.

Is a blog a successful marketing tool for you?

Of course, our blog - this is an extremely successful marketing tool. The number of visitors reached 120,000 people per month, and it provides a large percentage of our orders.