The idea of ​​an Internet project: An interactive site for fans of reading

Идея интернет-проекта: Интерактивный сайт для любителей чтения We Tell Stories website has been awarded a special prize SXSW in the "Experimental sites "in March of this year. Those who have visited this site, do not be surprised and will understand why a new resource has received a high award. This is a unique resource on the Internet. None of the sites in the network are not as interactive. This site is designed for lovers of reading, in particular, short stories. Every story, posted on the site, available for reading only for one week. Sometimes the story is laid out in installments throughout the week, in other cases - all at once.

Each story invites readers to take part in his writing. In general, very interesting and it is better to see once personally. So, come and have fun. And then we briefly describe the stories themselves.

21 Steps

In the first week has been posted a story Charles Cummings «21 Steps» book on John Buchan. "39 Steps". We are talking about the main character Rica, which falls into a whirlwind of adventure events by chance. The action unfolds in London, Edinburgh, Scotland. Throughout the history of map use Google Maps.


The next story is "Slice" by Toby Litt. Slice - the nickname of the protagonist's story, which is actually named Lisa. The narration of this story is unusual, readers have to watch during the week of the movement of Lisa and her parents on blogs. In addition, they can find her on Twitter and even talk by sending a message or email. This story is similar to something on the "ARG" (alternate reality game), from which the goosebumps running.

Fairy Tales

In the third week readers have the opportunity to enjoy the tales of Kevin Brooks. Moreover, these tales are interesting to both children and adults. Each story begins traditionally have lived .. "But then the reader gets the opportunity to change the story at their discretion - to select the names of the protagonists, with the development of the plot choices between different items, which change the storyline. As a result, readers can create entirely the author's story, which can then send to your friends. Readers can even write their own tales of the epilogue, if the original does not suit them.

Your Place and Mine

The fourth week of readers will be able to meet a married couple Nicci Gerrard and Sean French, who write an impromptu story about family relationships. They write together and complement each other perfectly. Moreover, the images in their story so vividly and clearly described that anyone will be able to guess them yourself.

Hard Times

At the fifth week, readers will read the story "Hard Times" author Nicholas Felton and Matt Mason. This is a remix of Charles Dickens's novel. In its version of history Nicholas Felton and Matt Mason, describe the lives of two teenagers on the Internet. Readers can also download a story format. Pdf.

The (Former) General

Finally, the sixth week, readers can read the story "The (Former) General" author Moshin Hamid. The story is based on the Arabian tales, including "A Thousand and One Nights".

This resource can spend hours getting endless pleasure from reading these stories. In addition, you enjoy more of involvement in the plot. By the way, there can be and find other works by authors of these stories.

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