Site 1000idey we have described some interesting design ideas outdoor urinals, which help authorities to keep the streets clean. Despite the fact that humanity had shifted half of the third millennium, the development of high standards of morality and ethics, to fight the natural human needs not everyone is ready to Homo sapiens. This is a common problem in all large cities, where life is bustling, even at night. For the reason that all public toilets are closed at night, a night party-goers have nowhere to go and have to relieve themselves there, where to get - at the nearest bush, the wall in the corner.
We represent your attention a new concept of street urinal UriLift, which in the opinion of Dutch designers is intended to help municipal authorities to deal with this serious problem, which gets a huge scale. UriLift street urinal is made of steel, is shaped like a cylinder and 200 options for colors. It is equipped with special lighting and heating.
Connects the urinal to the main sewer and water mains, to enable users to wash away their filth. Moreover, the variant urinal equipped with a capacity to collect rainwater, which makes it independent of municipal communications and allows you to move to any place in the city. Street urinal UriLift also has special protection from vandalism.
The developers have designed several versions of a street urinal, including for women UriLady, with seats. Authorities in countries such as Holland, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and Denmark have already rated this useful invention, and plan to install street urinals UriLift in all major cities.
It is planned that will serve the urinals of public health services, police, as well as local hotels, bars, cafes, etc.