In recent years, questions of social responsibility in the global business community to the fore. Business world increasingly operates with the terms corporate social responsibility, social investment. Trying to keep pace with world trends and Russian businessmen. But the real social policy of Russian companies is often limited to the usual charity.
What is the social responsibility of business, how much it costs the company and whether it could benefit?
According to research conducted by Walker Information, a direct link between the social value of the company, its reputation and brand loyalty of its customers. According to these studies, social indicators compared with economic have twice the impact on the reputation of the firm. This means that social engagement pays dividends. Yield of socially active companies is higher than companies that do not manifest themselves in this area.
Obviously, the social responsibility of business depends on its size. Small businesses can not spend big money on the formation of the social budget. But the example of the French manufacturer of juices Vai Vai demonstrates an idea on how to become socially active enterprises without massive social investment.
First, the company produces Vai Vai drink from coconuts, which are collected by hand on the farm of the Philippines. Thus, the company helps the 8.000 local families, creating jobs and supporting their special social programs: education, credit, etc.
Secondly, and more interestingly in the low-cost social initiative, a voluntary and gratuitous promotion, which gives the company the various local social and active entrepreneurs, associations, artists and partners. Vai Vai prints on one side of its beverage packaging information about these companies.
An act of goodwill, which forces any business, and that will be highly appreciated by the public and consumers.