Tourist guide compares the city

Туристический гид сравнивающий города Despite the economic crisis, the tourism industry continues to show strong growth, and as a consequence, the network continues to appear a lot of online projects to tourists choose suitable places for recreation and travel. Recently, a similar project launched company British Airways.

A distinctive feature of the tour guide Metrotwin is an unusual presentation of information for tourists - it gives comparative characteristics of the two cities. For example, comparing the city of London and New York, a resource Metrotwin gives its recommendations on the best attractions, entertainment, business, communities, people, etc. With a focus not on the relationship of tourists, and more for utility and application information that is needed as travelers who are concerned about the upcoming trip, and residents who frequently shuttle between two cities, the resource Metrotwin favorably with similar tourist guides.

Instead of doing a review every cafe or restaurant, he focused on a comparison of equally attractive tourist places (companies, etc) in different cities, based on information provided by local social networks and blogs, whose authors, in turn, receive from the company's British Airways bonus miles.

An interesting approach to the review of cities, based on a comparison, no doubt has its benefits, people are always easier to assimilate new information, based on related knowledge and ideas.

The idea of ​​creating a project-guide on comparisons of equivalent locations in different cities of interest in respect of tourist guides as well as for other categories of goods and services.

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