The script of the original parties is divided into three phases. The first or initial stage - meeting - members dress in pajamas, sit in a circle and get to know each other. The second stage - the core - a friendly intimate communion with open arms.
Participants can choose their individual partners to communicate or to communicate with all participants, the main thing that dialogue occurs in a friendly, relaxed and confidential atmosphere.
And finally, the final stage, when all participants are in general terms, embracing each other and to thank everyone for the experience. After such a friendly party with hugging and even sometimes with a kiss, participants can continue their dialogue in a cafe, restaurant or home, or even develop it into a stable relationship.
The authors of the draft Reid Mihalko and Marcia Baczynski, coaches - coaches in the field of psychology relationship. They started their original business in February 2004 in New York. Now these pajama parties take place in Australia, Canada, Denmark, England. The project opened a new direction - train the trainers for a pajama party in the city.
Agree that the idea for the business still quite strange, but judging by the popularity of pajama parties in America, and abroad, it is quite successful in terms of commercialization. It turns out that modern people do not have enough grip.