The essence of the idea is to calculate registered users Yahoo! special glasses for the visit of these online resources.So, I remind, this post was published with the aim to get your expert opinion, and perhaps ideas on how to adapt it in runet (without violating copyright, of course )
Scoring for visiting the site via a link banner, or replies to emails, or preference of some query results in search engines other would have a noticeable effect on the "focus" of attendance of those or other resources. It would also keep users from switching to the services of other Internet services. The next step would be to create conditions for the unrestricted circulation of the currency in the network, enabling other sites to purchase glasses Yahoo!
Everything from the Amazon and ending with the owners' home pages, buy and sell to these points, but Yahoo! appeared to mediate.
Hereby the same stratagem was a plan to keep users engaged in earning points.
I proposed a plan under which the glasses were to tender in the monthly auctions arranged by the company, giving owners the opportunity to bargain over exposed to them "gifts."
In such a situation, despite the steady increase in the total number of points, the number of "gifts" would be left unchanged. The prize fund would be formed from the advertising fees.
The idea of promotion of viral marketing guru
Famous by Seth Godin in his book "Another brilliant marketing idea" has published a patented (!) Them to break a web project, which was developed for Yahoo!, but was never implemented. I would like to get the opinion of practitioners internet business about this idea: