The benefits of sun exposure for healthy people is known for a long time. Surely everyone remembers from childhood quote: "the sun, air and water - our best friends." Sunlight is involved in reactions to maintain the synthesis of insulin, supports the balance of skin microflora, under ultraviolet light to produce vitamin D and serotonin (the so-called hormone of happiness), which controls appetite, sleep, mood and emotions. But the sun - a drug that should be taken strictly metered. Doctors of all countries are sounding the alarm long ago, warning people about the harmful effects of excess sunlight. The most dangerous rays of the solar spectrum - UVA and UVB. They evoke instant formation of free radicals that lead to the formation of tumors.
That's why doctors say it is about the maximum protection from the rays of the spectrum. Protection against the sun's harmful rays are widely available on the market - it's creams, lotions, sunglasses, and of course, the easiest way to protect against damaging solar rays is clothing. But not all clothing has the same degree of protection from the sun.
To enhance the protective properties of any clothing company Phoenix Brands LLC has released an unusual washing powder, which can increase the sun protection factor of any clothes to UPF 30.
Sun Guard facility is recommended to add to the usual powder for each wash. One pack sunscreen powder has 20 applications.
Obviously, such a unique product as a powder, raising the sun protection factor clothing can not be taken for essential goods. It is unlikely that it will start to buy in large volume consumers. Rather it is a product for those who care about their health. But, given the alarming statistics and eloquent warning doctors that "spoon fed" all forms of media, such sunscreen powder can be safely described as the product of mass consumption near future.