These situations include, sorry for the frankness, the desire to urinate. Well, if it so appears in a comfortable house or apartment, but what if you "pulled" on the street, public toilets near there? Individuals male whose animal instincts are triggered rapidly and is generally easier to relate to the decorum, may spit on the natural shyness, relieve themselves in the nearest tree or fence.
For such men and such wildly unexpected situations German designer Joe Herenkneht invented a very unusual concept outdoor public toilet Pee-Tree.Pee-Tree is an abstract design in white ceramic, vaguely resembling a tree. White color "tree - a urinal" from afar to attract the attention of men caught in an awkward situation.
Operates tree-urinal "Pee-Tree" as a regular toilet seat, ie, all the impurities are washed away in an underground sewer pipe. That's such an unusual concept of open men's public toilet, which was intended to help the designer to keep the city clean.
In addition to the previous idea of male public toilet, offering you no less creative concept of male street urinals "Axixa", which is attached to the walls of buildings. The form of a street urinal "Axixa" clearly copies the following from the urine, which remains on the walls of city buildings after their "litter" unscrupulous passers masculine. Bright yellow urinals designed to attract the attention of passers-by.
The author of this unique street urinal Mexican designer Miguel Melgareyo. The purpose of this original design is simple - to help city authorities to keep the streets clean.