Ekobiznes continues to be a popular trend of the new millennium, more and more people with more extensive thinking and a little more responsibly offer "green" waste processing companies, selected new eco-friendly materials, produce eco-friendly products useful in agriculture, etc. as a way to contribute to solving global environmental problems.
In his collection of unusual business ideas, we brought a lot of examples of such socio-liability of entrepreneurs who choose ekobiznes, for example, Suzanne Vig Masako, who has created a new, more environmentally friendly alternative to cremation - freezing, Nicholas Paul, who makes the glasses of the used bottles of famous brands, Shannon Souef , which produces environmentally-friendly bags worn jackets, etc.
Another original and vivid example of enterprise ekobiznesa, choose the new standards can serve as a design company with no less than the original name of The Way We See The World. Specialists of the company came up with an unusual concept for a beverage cup, making it completely edible and biodegradable.
The idea of edible cup is not new, but none of the inventors did not make the glasses delicious! A company's The Way We See The World did. Their glasses for drinks Jelloware harmless, edible and tasty. The range of edible cups with lemon-basil, strawberries, cherries, mint.
Made these edible cups for beverages from agar - a gelatinous sugar, which is derived from algae. This substance has long been widely used in food processing, pharmaceutical and textile industries. But the main thing that attracted the attention of specialists from the company's The Way We See The World, is that agar is a source of plant nutrients and is fully capable to decompose.
Members may opt to eat a cup Jelloware, previously a drink or with a drink or throw it into a flower bed, flower beds, etc., as a fertilizer for plants.