According to studies conducted by National Trust, UK 74% of all office workers exposed to daily stress, 72% of all respondents believe that travel from city to mountains or the sea is the most effective and quickest way to feel better. Results of the study once again confirmed the fact that connection to nature helps modern citizens quickly and effectively to cope with stress, and fresh air is an effective natural antidepressant. After analyzing the situation, the company National Trust in London came up with its effective alternative to going on nature. She began to sell those suffering from lack of time, office workers canned fresh air.
According to the company, fresh air they take in the green areas of England: Lake Windermere, Stourhead, Wiltshire, Surrey. Fresh air of England preserved in glass jars of 454 grams capacity. Each such bank contains 0.42 grams of fresh air, breathing in that office workers can cope with stress and relax for 10 minutes.
Selling fresh air into the Company Bank National Trust so far only through the site upon request.
Besides selling cans of fresh air that helps you easily, quickly and effectively to cope with stress, the company organizes the National Trust for busy office workers, and weekend tours to the ecological and scenic areas of Britain where you can relax and breathe this pure spring air, enjoy the beauty of the meadows , lakes and hills.
As part of a campaign to promote its new exotic products, the company arranges tours of the day for shoppers jars with fresh air in 300 eco-friendly places where the air is taken as a free bonus to your purchase.
The idea of selling canned fresh air, at first glance, a bit strange, if not absurd. But if you carefully analyze the situation and take into account one of the major problems of modern urban dwellers - the lack of time on the one hand, and the lack of fresh and clean air in the gas-polluted cities, on the other hand, we can assume that the ideas of the British company National Trust is not so pointless .