The fact that technological progress does not stand still, show not only technical innovations, but modern materials, the existence of which a few years ago, no one guessed. Recently our, we described the fabric for dresses, which conducts electricity and allows you to charge phones, iPods, iPhon, iPods and other handheld device without the use of chargers. Even today, scientists have developed a new garment that an order of magnitude "smarter" the previous design.
The unique concept of innovative clothing called Wearable Absence. Its development involved scientists Barbara Lane (Barbara Layne) and Janis Jefferies (Janis Jefferies). It allows you to transfer and facilitate the physical and emotional state of the user using wireless technology and bio-sensors and mobile devices that are built into the fabric.
The sensors record the body temperature, pulse, psihogalvanichesky reflex and respiratory rate, user and pass all this data through the Internet to a special center where they are processed and returned to the user in the form of letters, which have a different form: the words of the song, which is broadcast through the speaker on my sleeve text - on the LED panel, videos and photos.
It is clear that all these fragments of songs, photos or images are recorded by the user and stored in mobile devices.
How does it work?
For example, a person experiencing grief, distress or despair, it scans the state of touch sensors that transmit information to a processing center and back to get very specific messages, pictures, photos, text, or song that can facilitate this emotional state.
Innovative clothes that developed by the British and Canadian scientists - it is a product of the future, which will be useful not only for ordinary consumers in terms of immediate improvement in their emotional state, but also has enormous potential for application in healthcare.