Restaurateurs come up with different chips to identify their institution of its kind in this crowded market and attract the maximum visitors. But, basically, they all relate to decoration and interior design and menu. The owners of the same restaurant Haunted House Restaurant decided to add the trappings mysterious stories that make your institution unique. History suggests this restaurant is no less terrible than its interior.
It is located in a house where there were three mysterious murders that have not been disclosed by police. Everything began June 1, 1963, when under mysterious circumstances from a gun, was killed 74-year-old Martin Karraker.
Karraker lived in this house with his ex-wife Clara Karraker and stepdaughter Mrs. Pearson. In the process of investigating the suspicion of the murder fell by Mrs. Pearson, who strongly insisted that she was not guilty. Nevertheless, she was arrested and upekli in jail pending trial. The court acquitted Mrs. Pearson, but it has affected her health - she lost her mind.
During the investigation wife died Karraker, just under mysterious circumstances. Mrs. Pearson was deprived of not only understanding, but also property rights, and the house was sold to the sheriff to the new owner.
According to him, in the house all the time there were mysterious events: water flowed from the taps, slammed the door, heard footsteps, there was such a feeling that live in the house ghost. Long lived, Mrs. Pearson is dead, too. And now in this house restaurant Haunted The Haunted House.
Despite the terrible and mysterious atmosphere of this establishment, the menu it is quite traditional: it is a classic meat restaurant with high prices. Most likely, the owners are taking an additional fee for extreme conditions, where guests eat their dinner, they risk losing appetite for life, or (who knows?) Life itself.
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