Value of the game, its full impact on the child's development can not be overestimated. Games are an effective tool for the development of communication skills, logic, attention, intelligence, personality. And, perhaps, a game because of its characteristics - the best way to develop creative
abilities not only children but also adults, without the use of coercive methods. That is why educational games are in great demand among the various audiences, ranging from the small buyers, finishing with older people. And enterprising businessmen continue to find
interesting new
business ideas in development and production of one of the most popular produktov.V this regard, interesting example of the London Company Play Rethink, which used the principles of the game for the involvement of consumers in the creative process to improve the consumer goods. The company has created an interesting game "The Eco-Design Game", which aims to inspire consumers to think about the new cleaner and improved design of the old product. In a game set The Eco-Design Game includes: multi-colored wheel, 98 cards for a drawing and instructions. The rules of this creative play is simple: as you move the wheel, the player gets a card with the task to improve one of the popular products such as vacuum cleaner or a chair. All their good ideas to improve the players describe the goods in the cards.
Their best design ideas and the players can upload a Play Rethink, where they commented and evaluated by other users. Each month, the company Play Rethink selects the best projects, collected on the site. And with the help of partners-manufacturers to implement them, paying remuneration to the author of the project. Sold it develops creative skills in a game store in London and across the company's website is worth GBP 24.95.
The idea of using the game as a tool to engage the mass of buyers in the creative process of product improvement, certainly deserves attention. Company Play Rethink kills two birds with one stone: she came up with an interesting product, which, in essence, is also
an original way to access the collective wisdom of deciding such a way, the problem with creative ideas, or rather lack of them.