For many people, a serious illness - is a huge mountain, which leaves its imprint on his life. They are not able to survive it, and it makes their lives are empty, meaningless and joyless. Others are more powerful and decisive person, taking as a given disease, continue to live on in spite of everything, and moreover, it serves them as an incentive for self-development and develop their own business. Katja Hauser (Katia Hauser) belongs to just one of those people who admired and respected.
She is an entrepreneur and mother of three children, one of whom has Down syndrome. Birth of daughter Annaliese with this disease has turned her life around. First there was the mountain, then pain, then acceptance and understanding that there are no perfect children and that her love for the child is absolutely dependent on the imperfection of the girls.
Katya had to stay home to care for a sick child, but at this time, she think of this life values, I realized that this joy of motherhood, has learned to enjoy life no matter what, and to see a picture in perspective. Sick child is taught to appreciate the important things such as love, family, health and faith. According to Katie, each member of her family was better because of this grief.
Kate wanted to tell the world that she is proud that it is a loving mother of a child with Down syndrome. She began looking for an idea to create a special distinctive icon for children with Down syndrome. First was the idea with ribbons, blue and yellow. But this idea was not successful. Few people would notice the colorful ribbons. The idea for the future of the distinctive icon Katie's husband suggested, it made her remember how she first learned that her baby has Down syndrome. And Kate thought it was a very special structure of the foot, with a large gap between the thumb and second finger.
Decision came at once. Kate made an icon for children with Down syndrome in the form of the foot, and he immediately became popular, not only in his native country but also abroad. People began to send along with requests for a distinctive badge and photo stop their children, they became interested in information about Down syndrome and children that have them.
Katina business only one year. This is a small company, which employs two staff, one of which is itself Katya. On some jobs, such as packaging of the goods it has attracted third-party employees, and employees looking for people with Down syndrome.
Kate plans to expand production and hire more people with Down syndrome. Company Down Syndrome Footprint vypukaet distinctive icons in the form of the foot for children with Down syndrome, which are put on mugs, clothing, magnets, machines, etc. This year Kate was named Entrepreneur of the Year (Entrepreneur of the Year) from Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation.