Entrepreneur Marina Ivanova from Dnepropetrovsk hosted a business that is built on the valuable quality - the ability to forgive. The idea to organize the service of forgiveness was born at the Marina in June 2009 when she was still working in the Center Psychology and Development, "April".
Then she helped businessman from Dnipropetrovsk write a letter with an apology and a request for conciliation business partners. Suddenly, a new service has become very popular with customers, and Marina thought about starting their own biznesa.Chtoby determine whether the service is in demand, Marina conducted a survey among customers Psychological Center, which showed that 70-80% of them do not know how to adjust relationships with relatives, employees and friends.
At the opening of his own psychological services for forgiveness and a half months and spent two thousand dollars of seed capital, which was spent on registration and advertising. The first customers came in August.
Literally, three months after opening the service of forgiveness, began receiving orders not only from his native Dnipropetrovsk, but also in other cities - Lugansk, Sumy, and others agreed to serve the Marina and nonresident clients, too. Advice they have to call and send letters by e-mail.
Around the same time began to receive offers and Cooperation: duplicate value-added services offered to entrepreneurs from Dneprodzerzhinsk, Kiev, Odessa, Chernihiv.
It is worth hours of consultation with the psychologist who examines the course of events, the cause of the conflict, the psychological characteristics of both sides of 100 hryvnia. Letter of forgiveness or text message is sent, after such consultation, the client or himself voiced his offended party or it makes the office of forgiveness for a fee.
Moreover, the scenario of a meeting with the offender may also be different - from a simple phone call within 15 hryvnia to the fabulous interview with the band, flowers and champagne.
As for guaranteeing the successful outcome of events, the service of forgiveness does not give such guarantees. They help to dot the "i" and save the client from stress and worries about a protracted conflict. Percentage of successful apology is not tracked. But if that fails, the client most often drawn again for psychological help and advice.
According to psychologists - Experts, Sorry-service has good prospects for development. According to statistics, only 15% of people are able to independently ask for forgiveness, the remaining 85% do not know how to apologize at all. Therefore, the assistance of professional psychologists and experts who know how to properly express thoughts on paper, is in demand. In addition, the project's success Sorry-service contributes to the overall situation in the country: the economic crisis, layoffs.
Psychological Service pardon Marina Ivanova competitors are not afraid. She is confident that such a Sorry-service can only create professional psychologists. The plans businesswoman expansion of services.